2Tons workshop

Atelier 2 tonnes
Imagine the future and act for the ecological transition.

Presentation of the activity

In a 3-hour time span, imagine yourself in 2050 and discover the individual and collective levers of a transition towards a low carbon society and identify what role you would like to play.
Workshop organised by the UGA RSE mission (society and environmental responsibilities)

Dates and times: Monday 9th December 2024 from 2pm to 5pm or Tuesday 10th December from 9 am to 12 am

Place: Salle des conseils in Maison du doctorat Jean Kuntzmann

Number of vacancy: 14 people max per session (28 all in all)

Free activity with registration

Given the low number of registrations, the workshop has been cancelled.
Updated on  December 4, 2024