Doing a Joint PhD (cotutelle)

International, Research
At Université Grenoble Alpes, students have the opportunity to prepare a joint doctorate in collaboration with a foreign institute of higher education. For that purpose, a joint supervision agreement must be drafted and signed by the two collaborating institutes.
Carte des partenariats MoveOn CED Cotuelles
Map of international partnerships for joint doctorate

The thesis in cotutelle (joint PhD), an unparalleled international experience

The thesis in international co-supervision allows the PhD student to benefit at the end of the PhD from very precious advantages :
  • This is equivalent to two diplomas: one in each university, one in each country;
  • This ensures a mastery of the language and a thorough knowledge of the culture and the functioning of research in both countries;
  • It allows the establishment of a network of international scientific contacts;
  • The profile of the doctor is de facto international for him or her as well as for others.
For all these reasons, the thesis in cotutelle is highly prized by recruiters in both academic research and industry.

Doing a thesis in cotutelle at the Université Grenoble Alpes

It is possible to prepare a thesis at the Université Grenoble Alpes in co-tutelle with a foreign higher education institution. To do so, a cotutelle agreement must be drawn up and signed between the two partner institutions.

In the case of a thesis in co-supervision, the research work is carried out alternately in the two institutions. During the thesis and until the Thesis defense :
  • the PhD student registers in both institutions.
  • the PhD student pays the registration fees in only one institution.
  • the PhD student alternates research stays in the two institutions.
  • the PhD student is scientifically supervised by a thesis supervisor in each institution.
After the (single) Thesis defense, the PhD student obtains the PhD degree from the Université Grenoble Alpes and the cotutelle partner institution.

Calls for applications for thesis in cotutelle

Find out more about cotutelle theses

Order of May 25, 2016 setting the national training framework and the modalities leading to the issuance of the national PhD degree

Updated on  January 26, 2023