International Partnerships CED
Strategic partners of the Université Grenoble Alpes
The Doctoral College is developing its partnerships mainly in line with the dynamics initiated by the Université Grenoble Alpes (see the list of partners below). The CED is applying its strategy of structuring cotutelle collaborations in connection with the site's strategic partnerships (with a strong research impact) at the European level, as well as towards target or privileged areas in North America, Asia, South America or the French-speaking area (see Figure above).The IDEX "International Strategic Partnerships" call for projects was a strong lever for such development. Since the launch of the program, 44 theses have been funded in this framework, 19 of which with strategic partners. It is also worth noting the College's strong cooperation with major international instruments in Grenoble, whose teams welcome many PhD students: ESRF, ILL, IRAM, GHMFL, and the EMBL, with which the establishment of an agreement allows the co-portage of doctoral training to be enhanced.
International Networks
Beyond this partnership anchoring in connection with an institutional site strategy, the College also encourages the formalization of co-tutorship agreements emanating from laboratories in diversified geographical areas (South Africa, China, Tunisia...) or within thematic networks such as the Cluster network in engineering or the PhD4GlycoDrug Network in organic chemistry-medicine.The College is involved in the Aurora Network, a European network including 9 partner universities, federated around scientific excellence and social responsibility within the framework of a working group dedicated to doctoral studies with the desire to develop doctoral mobility within the members of the network.The UGA is also a partner of the CESAER Network since 2018, including 53 European universities in science and technology. The College also has access to the working groups of this network.
Finally, Grenoble INP - Management and Engineering Institute of Université Grenoble Alpes is one of seven European institutions that have been awarded the "European University" label for the UNITE! project. (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering) project, in which the Doctoral College is one of the partners.
> MITACS and UGA Fund Research Mobilities to Canada
Strategic Partners: University of Swansea (UK), University of Oxford (UK), KIT (Germany), UB and UPC (Barcelona, Spain), University of Tsukuba (Japan), University of Geneva, Brazil (UFRGS, UNESP), National Taiwan University (NTU)
Target countries/universities: United States, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore (NTU, NUS), Brazil, Mexico (UANL, Guadalajara, UNAM), Morocco (Mohamed 5, UIRabat), Senegal (UCAD & U Gaston Berger)
Erasmus+ : projet d'inclure le niveau D dans des contrats à établir
Published on January 28, 2021
Updated on February 6, 2024
Updated on February 6, 2024