Financing your PhD and Find a Thesis Subject
There are multiple sources of funding for a PhD. Here are some of the most important. Some funding is associated with thesis subjects. Do not hesitate to ask your Doctoral School for more information.
Find a Thesis Subject (non-exhaustive list)
- Thesis proposals on the ADUM website
- Campus France website
- Proposals listed on the Minatec website
- Thesis proposals to Inria
- Thesis proposals from the MIAI Grenoble Alpes Artificial Intelligence Institute
- Thesis proposals in the laboratories of the Université Grenoble Alpes
- Thesis proposals on the Euraxess portal
The Doctoral Contract
Since the Decree of April 23, 2009, the doctoral contract is the legal framework of reference for the recruitment of doctoral students. Concluded for a period of three years, the doctoral contract provides all the social guarantees of a real employment contract in accordance with public law. It sets a minimum monthly salary that allows doctoral students to devote themselves to their research work: 1,684.93 euros gross if the contractual doctoral student does only research; 2,024.70 euros gross if he or she does additional activities, such as teaching.The doctoral contract is offered to PhD students, whether they are recruited by public institutions of higher education or research organizations. Each year, research organizations (CEA, CNRS, Inria, Inserm, Inrae etc.) finance PhD students.
CIFRE Thesis
Set up by the "Association Nationale de la Recherche Technologique (ANRT)", the "Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche" (CIFRE) is a mechanism that allows a PhD student, attached to a research laboratory, to carry out his/her thesis while being paid by a private company. The company recruits the doctoral student on a permanent contract or a three-year fixed-term contract. It entrusts him/her with a research project, the subject of his/her thesis, and pays him/her a minimum gross annual salary of 23,484 euros (1,957 euros/month). The company receives an annual grant of €14,000 from the ANRT for 3 years.Research contracts
Laboratories can finance theses from their own resources obtained within the framework of research contracts with one (or more) private partners. The partner then entrusts the university concerned with the realization of a well-defined research service due to the recognized competences of the laboratory. The partner finances the project, including the personnel costs, i.e. the possible recruitment of a PhD student.This type of financing is generally specified in the thesis proposal.
French Government Scholarships
Each year, the French government grants scholarships to students wishing to pursue all or part of their higher education studies in France in institutions of higher education authorized to award national diplomas. For doctoral studies, preference is given to co-directed or co-supervised theses.Other Funding
Many foundations, associations, private or public institutions, finance the research work of PhD students in issues that concern them. Published on January 21, 2021
Updated on January 22, 2025
Updated on January 22, 2025