Doctoral School of Physics (ED PHYS)

Physics Doctoral School - ED PHYS


Director: Olivier ISNARD
Managers: Isabelle REVERDY-MEDELICE et Sandrine FERRARI


8 spécialities

  • Astrophysics and dilute media,
  • Nanophysics,
  • Applied physics,
  • Physics of condensed matter and radiation,
  • Physics of materials,
  • Physics for life sciences,
  • Subatomic physics and astroparticles,
  • Theoretical physics.

Partner Research Labs

CERN | ESRF | GIN | IBS | ILL | Institut Néel | IPAG | IRAM | LAPP | LAPth | LCBM | Leti | LGE | LiPhy | Liten | LLB | LMGP | LNCMI | LPCV | LPMMC | LPSC | LRP | LTM | MEM | PHELIQS | SBT | SPINTEC | SyMMES
et en collaboration avec CEA (sites de Grenoble et Cadarache), CNRS et Inserm.

Careers in...

Research and higher education, industry, software development and consulting, startups.
Published on  February 2, 2021
Updated on  October 17, 2024