News release, WorkshopThe university in general, Social action
Our motto "UGA PhD Alumni Network: Counting on others, counting for others" has taken on its full meaning in the current situation. During this period of Covid-19 Coronavirus lockdown, the "inventory of living and study conditions" survey carried out by the Student Life management team that the Doctoral College passed on to PhD students has highlighted the fact that many of you - and in particular international PhD students - are isolated and finding this lockdown a lonely period that is difficult to overcome. The PhD Alumni Network is here to help you find other PhD students and alumni, to create ties, share, overcome this loneliness and show solidarity.
In this period of lockdown linked to the Covid-19 Coronavirus, the survey "état des lieux des conditions de vie et d'étude" carried out by the student life direction and relayed by the Doctoral College to PhD students shows that many of you - and in particular international PhD students - are isolated and experience this confinement as a solitude that is difficult to overcome.
Overcoming isolation with the PhD Alumni Social Media Network
This is why we wish to promote the PhD Alumni Network to all PhD students and recently qualified Doctors as a place to meet, chat and overcome barriers together. Peers will be able to answer your questions. Nothing better than another PhD student or PhD to understand your situation as a PhD student. This is in line with the values we all share and gives meaning to the network's motto "PhD Alumni Network UGA: counting on others, counting for others".
These informal discussions could be a support for you in addition to the actions carried out at institutional level by various entities such as UGA, Crous, your employer etc.
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