Exemption of tuition fees
You are going to register for a PhD at the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) or are you already registered for a PhD ? Depending on your profile, you can benefit from an exemption from registration fees:
- by right (with proofs)
- to the exemption commission if you are in an economically difficult situation
You benefit from an exemption BY RIGHT WITH PROOFS
- Under disability, you must produce proof of the situation: Recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH) or inclusion mobility card (CMI)
- Under refugee, recipient of subsidiary protection, registered as an asylum seeker and entitled to remain in the country. You must provide proof f this situation
- Under ward of the French nation, you will need to show your ward of the nation card
- Under french government scholarship holder, you must produce an "attestation de bourse" provided by Campus France
- Under a joint PhD agreement (cotutelle), signed by all parties, explicitly stating that you are exempt from registration fees at Grenoble Alpes University for 2024-2025
You are experiencing financial difficulties, you must apply for an exemption
The application for exemption must be submitted in accordance with the guidelines below and must be received no later than January 31, 2025 at noon.
Date of the next session of the Commission: Wednesday 19th February 2025 (on the morning)
2. Put the pieces below together in a single pdf file.
> Application form for exemption from registration fees based on social criteria
In the event of technical difficulties, write to: ced-commission-exoneration@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
The Contribution to Student and Campus Life (103€) payable directly to the Crous, as soon as the academic enrolment is confirmed, remains at your expense.
Date of the next session of the Commission: Wednesday 19th February 2025 (on the morning)
The application is made in 3 steps
1. Download and complete the "application for exemption file" [.docx]2. Put the pieces below together in a single pdf file.
- Exemption request file mentioned in point 1.
- Thesis follow-up report signed by all parties.
- Proof of tax household income :
- Last French tax return (if applicable)
- Three last salary slips / stock market certificate / any proof of income
- Proof of expenses and resources (rent, justificatif Caisse d’Allocation Familiale « CAF », transport, electricity, etc.)
- If you have already paid your enrolment fees for the current academic year, please include proof of payment of these fees and bank details for a refund.
> Application form for exemption from registration fees based on social criteria
In the event of technical difficulties, write to: ced-commission-exoneration@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Criteria for eligibility and assessment of requests for exemption on personal grounds
- Notification by the social worker: it is strongly recommended that each PhD student contact a CROUS social worker before submitting the exemption request.
- Only PhD students in a difficult financial situation are eligible, particularly due to unforeseen circumstances (to be stated in the application: health, family situation, drop in income, unforeseen expenses, geopolitical events, currency devaluation).
- No income limit is set. Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis.
- The Commission will only examine complete requests received by the deadline (including the Thesis Monitoring Report (RST) signed by all parties, which is automatically required).
- Requests from PhD students entering their first year are not admissible (see: Article 11 of the May 2016 decree).
- PhD students with a doctoral contract as defined in Decree No. 2009-464 of 23rd April 2009 amended by Decree No. 2016-1173 of 29th August 2016 (CEA, CNRS, Establishment) and who put in a request are invited to contact their employer's social welfare service. Requests submitted to the Exemption Commission will not be admissible.
- Only one exemption is granted over a 3-year period
Fees covered by the exemption
The fees for which you may be exempt or refunded are as follows: In 2024-2025: tuition (334€) + library (34€) + Management fess (23€)The Contribution to Student and Campus Life (103€) payable directly to the Crous, as soon as the academic enrolment is confirmed, remains at your expense.
- Phone : 0 970 150 096
- service-social@crous-grenoble.fr
- Bâtiment Muse - 80, allée Ampère 38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères
Published on January 22, 2021
Updated on December 19, 2024
Updated on December 19, 2024