Doctoral Dissertation Organisation
In France, a PhD is a research training course, leading, for successful students, to the highest university degree. It is prepared in three years or more, depending on the subject, after achieving a French master's degree or equivalent.
Preparing a PhD is a challenging task, involving high-level scientific research.
Doctoral dissertation follow-up
Throughout his/ her doctoral studies, the PhD student is supervised by his/her supervisor, with whom he/ she discusses the orientations and progress of the research conducted. Regularly, the PhD student may have to present his/ her work in the laboratory and report on his/ her research. Every year, when re-enroling, the PhD student is informed that he/ she will have to write a report on their dissertation follow up and to draw up a list of his/ her potential publications.
Doctoral training
The PhD student has to follow a training programme of 120 hours at least during his/ her doctorate studies. Training modules are divided between:
- scientific courses in the PhD student’s research speciality,
- courses other than the PhD speciality chosen by the doctoral student according to his/ her needs, in compliance with the Doctoral School framework,
- training courses designed for starting a professional career.
To obtain authorisation to defend the PhD dissertation, these courses must be validated.
Theis Defence (viva)
The research work conducted is validated by the dissertation, followed by a viva in front of a jury composed of teachers-researchers and experts in the discipline, allowing the PhD student to obtain the grade of Doctor. In general, the PhD dissertation is defended after 3 years of preparation, except in the case of waivers or special situations.
Published on January 22, 2021
Updated on January 27, 2021
Updated on January 27, 2021