Advice and support for your career path

The PhD Career Center is a place where you can meet and exchange ideas, receive advice and support in developing your career plan and in pursuing your post-doctoral career.
Do you have questions about your post-graduate career?
Would you like an independent perspective on your application?
Do you want to know more about the opportunities available to you?
Do you need help identifying your skills and assets?
Or would you like to discuss your career plan?

The PhD Career Center offers confidential one-on-one interviews with a Career Advisor.
You can benefit from one or more interviews depending on your needs and at any time during your PhD career, whether you are at the beginning or end of your thesis and up to 6 months after you have graduated.

The first interview will allow us to get to know you and to give you some initial customized advice based on your expectations. It will help you refine your ideas and receive guidance in building your career plan.
The advisor will be able to direct you to the various tools, workshops, services and courses related to your needs.

You are at the end of your thesis?
The personalized guidance service "Visa for Employment" is designed for you. It is provided in collaboration with OTECI, and enables PhD students at the end of their thesis and recent PhD graduates to benefit from enhanced coaching in job search issues.

Learn more about “Together for Employment”

To benefit from an initial consultation, please contact us!

How would you like to attend? (*)

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Updated on  December 6, 2023