2022 Academic Thesis Prize: Claire HUGONNIER
Headlines, Research
Claire HUGONNIER received the 2022 Academic Thesis Prize for her research work among PhDs graduating in 2021.
Thesis Title: Ethnographic and argumentative study of a protest movement to the "MAP for all" : between claim and dissimulation
Key Words: Critical sociolinguistic, Ethnography, Speech analysis, Argumentation, Protest discourse
Doctoral School: ED LLSH - Langues, Littératures et Sciences Humaines
Research Laboratory: Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles (LIDILEM – UGA)
Thesis Supervision: Claudine MOÏSE and Dominique LAGORGETTE
> To know all the 2022 thesis prizes
Updated on June 15, 2022