2022 Thesis Prize: 10 young PhD graduates honored by the Université Grenoble Alpes
The juries for the Innovation Thesis Prize and the Academic Thesis Prize were held on May 16 and 17, respectively, and the prizes will be officially awarded at the " PhD Ceremony " on June 23, 2022, starting at 5 pm.
Recognizing the scientific excellence of our PhD Students
The prizes are divided into 2 categories:
- the Academic Thesis Prize, awarded to seven people based on criteria of excellence specific to each disciplinary field and represented by the 13 doctoral schools on the site and research departments. This year an eighth thesis prize is awarded for interdisciplinary research work covering at least two significantly different doctoral specialties;
- The two innovation thesis prizes are awarded to a work of exceptional quality that also includes an approach (special prize) or a project of valorization and transfer.
Winners of the Academic Thesis Prize:
Claudine CHARRONDIERE: In-situ study of katabatic flows over a steep alpine slope during anticyclonic conditions
Doctoral School: ED STEP - Sciences de la Terre, de l’Environnement et des Planètes
Research laboratory: Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI – CNRS, Grenoble INP-UGA/UGA)
Thesis supervision: Christophe BRUN, Jean-Martial COHARD and Jean-Emmanuel SICART
> To know more about the thesis of Claudine CHARRONDIERE
Benoît ARRAGAIN: Structural and functional analysis of Bunyavirales replication and transcription
Doctoral School: ED CSV – Chimie et Sciences du vivant
Research laboratory: Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS – CEA/CNRS/UGA)
Thesis supervision: Guy SCHOEHN et Hélène MALET
> To know more about the thesis of Benoît ARRAGAIN
Manon PRÉDHUMEAU: Modelling and simulating realistic pedestrian behaviour in a shared space with an autonomous vehicle
Doctoral School: ED MSTII - Mathématiques, Sciences et technologies de l'information, Informatique
Research laboratory: Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG – CNRS/Inria/Grenoble INP-UGA/UGA)
Thesis supervision: Julie DUGDALE and Anne SPALANZANI
> To know more about the thesis of Manon PRÉDHUMEAU
Dylan CATTIAUX : Ultra-low temperatures microwave optomechanics for quantum sensing
Doctoral School: ED de Physique
Research laboratory: Institut Néel (CNRS)
Thesis supervision: Eddy COLLIN and Xin ZHOU
> To know more about the thesis of Dylan CATTIAUX
Julia BURCHETT : The EU and the fight against terrorist radicalisationA representative study of the legal challenges posed by the fight against radicalisation in the EU, Belgium and France
Doctoral School: ED SJ – Sciences juridiques
Research laboratory: Centre d’études sur la sécurité internationale et les coopérations européennes (CESICE - UGA)
Thesis supervision: Constance CHEVALLIER-GOVERS and Anne WEYEMBERGH (cotutelle with Université Libre de Bruxelles - Belgium).
> To know more about the thesis of Julia BURCHETT
Abderrahime SEKKAT : Atmospheric-Pressure Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition of Cu2O and Functional Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications
Doctoral School: ED I-MEP² - Ingénierie - Matériaux, Mécanique, Environnement, Énergétique, Procédés, Production
Research laboratory: Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP, CNRS/Grenoble INP-UGA)
Thesis supervision: David MUNOZ-ROJAS, Anne KAMINSKI-CACHOPO and Guy CHICHIGNOUD
> To know more about the thesis of Abderrahime SEKKAT
Claire HUGONNIER : Ethnographic and argumentative study of a protest movement to the "MAP for all" : between claim and dissimulation
Doctoral School: ED LLSH - Langues, Littératures et Sciences Humaines
Research laboratory: Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles (LIDILEM – UGA)
Thesis supervision: Claudine MOÏSE and Dominique LAGORGETTE
> To know more about the thesis of Claire HUGONNIER
Winner of the interdisciplinary academic thesis Prize
Pierre GAFFURI : New materials for eco-efficient white LEDs : ZnO nanowire-based heterostructures and rare-earth-free aluminium borates phosphors
Doctoral School: ED I-MEP² - Ingénierie - Matériaux, Mécanique, Environnement, Énergétique, Procédés, Production
Research laboratory: Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP, CNRS/Grenoble INP-UGA)
Thesis supervision: Vincent CONSONNI, Estelle APPERT and Mathieu SALAÜN
> To know more about the thesis of Pierre GAFFURI
Lauréat du prix de thèse spécial innovation
Théo MARCHAL : Listening the architecture. Digital tools and ambient design, the way of sound.
Doctoral School: ED SHPT – Sciences de l’Homme, du politique et du Territoire
Research laboratory: Ambiances Architectures Urbanités (AAU – CRESSON, CNRS/UGA/ ENSAN & ENSAG-UGA/École Centrale de Nantes)
Thesis supervision: Grégoire CHELKOFF
> To know more about the thesis of Théo MARCHAL
Winners of the innovation thesis Prize
Rémi VICENTE : Optical cryocooler design and demonstration for space applications
Doctoral School: ED de Physique
Research laboratory: Institut Néel (CNRS)
Thesis supervision: Gilles NOGUE and Arnaud GARDELEIN
> To know more about the thesis of Rémi VICENTE
Updated on July 20, 2022