REI Label: Research, Business and Innovation
The "Research, Business Industry and Innovation" label (REI in French) is targeted at phD students who wish to offer their skills in research and innovation for companies.
This experience offers a broad range of career opportunities such as: boosting the dynamic of innovation; undertaking prospective, analytical or exploratory work; managing complex and international projects; accessing management positions...
The "Research, Business Industry and Innovation" training course is labeled by the CDEFI (French engineering school advisory board) as a fundamental skill for industry.
More specifically, the label will prepare you for the following professions:
- Innovation, creation or improvement of a product, process and service;
- Decision-making support and strategy definition;
- Internationalization of corporate activities;
- Pursuit of efficiency and quality of work production, planning and organisation;
- Organisation and implementation of new working methods;
- Help in the training of your colleagues;
- Management of projects, or research or production teams.
The businesses concerned are established national or international companies, of medium or large size.
Within the scope of the label, doctoral students enrich their professional project, learn to make better use of their skills, enhance their knowledge of the economic world, of project and innovation management, etc.
Doctoral students also participate in missions in cooperation with companies: organisation of events, technology watch, expertise, training, etc..
These missions allow to get a deeper knowledge about companies and their expectations, and also to increase your professional network.
REI Label in charge: Michel Tollenaere, professeur Grenoble INP - UGA